5 Things You Must Know to Become a Great Microsoft Developer

5 Things You Must Know to Become a Great Microsoft Developer

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Did you just start or finish college? Are you looking into new, rewarding career paths? No matter the reason, everyone has the same goal. We all want to have a go at the big, popular companies in our respective industries, and tech is not the exception. However, how can we become an appealing candidate to tech giants like Microsoft? Will you ever have the chance to become a renowned Microsoft Developer?

Although it is possible to achieve that goal, you should know that it takes a lot of work. This is one of these cases where just being average will not do. For that reason, you have to undergo a lot of training to become that sought-after developer Rockstar that will net you a name that even giants like Microsoft will be after. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of skills that will serve as the pillars that hold your potentially successful career. Without further ado, let us get to it!

What Does it Take to Become a Developer at Companies Like Microsoft?

If you have been browsing Microsoft’s job listings, you should more or less have an idea of what they are looking for when hiring a software developer. They are usually looking for candidates with varying degrees of expertise depending on the role. On the one hand, a junior role requires having solid knowledge of any programming language and good problem-solving skills. On the other hand, senior developer positions require you to be adept and familiar with deep programming skills that you have to learn over time.

Unfortunately, many people see the requirements listed in senior positions and try to acquire these skills in short amounts of time. That causes them to underperform in real-world professional environments long-term.

As a result, they fail to get the kind of experience that would help them achieve professional growth. And sadly, it is the kind of growth they are missing out on that would land them a job in a big company like Microsoft. Nevertheless, there is one thing you should know if the latter is your goal:

There are no shortcuts.

Becoming a sought-after professional is an arduous task you have to prepare for, and given the ever-evolving nature of technology, it is the kind of preparation that never ends. So, if you are willing to make that commitment, continue reading to find out which are the skills you have to hone to become a coveted, outstanding developer.

Infographic Showing What it Takes to Become a Sought-After Microsoft Developer

What Should I Know to Become a Great Microsoft Developer?

Ultimately, there is very little guidance about what you should be doing to get a software developer job at big companies like Microsoft. A company’s job listings give you a brief overview of the skills it wants, but how do you get them? If education alone is not enough, what can you do?

In reality, there is one thing that separates run-of-the-mill developers from great ones, and that is practical knowledge. Knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, is far more valuable to an employer than anything else. With that in mind, here is a list of the things you should know if you plan on devoting your time towards becoming an outstanding developer. Even though they are hard skills to master, they will help you approach development from a better, practical standpoint and facilitate your learning process long-term.

They are the following:

  1. Object-oriented Programming
  2. Functional Programming
  3. Database Knowledge
  4. Understanding Hardware and Networks
  5. The Basics of Version Control Systems

1. Object-oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP)  has yet to reach its zenith, so it is safe to say it is here to stay for a long time. Nowadays, big companies like Microsoft develop most of their gaming, business, mobile, and education applications using this type of programming. However, learning OOP does not just come down to choosing a programming language. Whether it is C#, C++, X++, JavaScript, or more obscure languages like Smalltalk, your aim should always be learning their applicable concepts such as classes, objects, interfaces, methods, inheritances, abstracts, and others.

Moreover, it is especially useful to learn the language’s design patterns. Why? Because teamwork is key in real-world environments. In other words, developers see design patterns as a universal language they can share with other developers. That is not to say, though, that you should become a jack of all trades and a master of none. In fact, it is quite the opposite. In most cases, the transferrable, applicable knowledge that helps you understand how other languages work stems from understanding or mastering a particular language.

For instance, if you compare C# and X++, you will notice that they have many things in common. For that reason, any prior experience in either of those languages should facilitate the learning of the other. However, spotting these similarities and knowing how to use them is to your advantage is not easy. After all, you would need to have a full understanding of either of those languages.

Fortunately, you do not have to learn programming languages like C# on your own.

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2. Functional Programming

Considering that imperative languages like C# are getting more and more functional features as time passes, understanding the basics of functional programming is important for future developers. F#, Clojure, and Haskell are some of the popular functional programming languages that have made developers reconsider how they approach their work.

Anyone, including you, can use functional programming to their advantage. You do not need to be an expert in the Hindley-Milner type system or Lambda calculus to use it properly, but you need to have a clear understanding of what a high-order function is, the value of immutability, and the utility of closures. More than being a paradigm that has gained popularity in the last decade, functional programming provides you with a different perspective to solving different problems, and that is always a net positive for you and employers.

3. Database Knowledge

Most applications need a database to store information. As such, everything you do as a developer will be closely tied to one or more of them. That does not mean, however, that you should master all types of cloud data store models available. But at the very least, you should have a rough idea of what they do and what they are for. Having database knowledge also implies devoting time to learning the basics of T-SQL, which is also known as the language of databases. That way you will be able to create basic queries to retrieve information from a database when you need it.

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4. Understanding Hardware and Networks

If there is one mistake many developers make, it is to think that they do not need to know anything about the hardware that runs their software. Believe it or not, knowing the characteristics of the hardware we use is key to making correct decisions. Again, that does not mean you should take it to the extreme and become an engineer at Intel, but you should understand the basics. For example, there are differences between accessing cache memory, RAM, and hard drives. There are also differences between accessing data stored locally and retrieving information from a server located in another country.

Having a basic notion of how a network works, especially when it comes to protocols, is also important when creating real-world applications. When was the last time you thought of the differences between UDP and TCP or the benefits of using high-level protocols like HTTP? Or the variations in latency that come with using a Wi-Fi network over a wired network?

Even if all of those seem to be unrelated, trust us when we say they are not. These are factors you have to account for when developing applications, and failing to do so tends to yield negative results.

5. The Basics of Version Control Systems

Last but not least, we have version control systems. Considering how widely used these systems are today and how important they are to ensure successful teamwork, there is no reason why you should not learn how to operate a version control system.

There are many free, online options available like GitHub. However, the system you use is not important as long as it allows you to practice uploading and downloading code, reviewing changes made by others, resolve conflicts, etc. Once you see how they work and how easy they are to use, you will be thankful for not having to email random zip files to your teammates and later having to figure out which was the latest version to send to customers.

That said, does knowing all of those things guarantee you will get a job at a big company like Microsoft?

Do These Skills Guarantee You Will Get a Developer Job at Microsoft?

Infographic Showcasing Other Skills You Need to Become a Microsoft Developer

The truth is that learning these skills alone will not guarantee you get at companies like Microsoft. However, according to Dynamics recruiting giants like NigelFrank, having practical, up-to-date skills under your belt makes you more appealing to the market.

Admittedly, given the way some companies work and the quality of many developers out there, it sometimes seems as if learning these skills does not matter. And depending on your long-term goals, that might be true. If you just plan to throw code around for a couple of years with the intent of getting promoted to a position that does not require programming, focusing on these skills is a waste of time.

However, if you enjoy programming and want to devote yourself to it, these skills are essential. After all, it is the value you add to a company that makes you a sought-after professional. Yes, becoming an asset that is good for businesses takes a lot of effort. Fortunately, software development is one of these careers where progress does not go unrewarded. Without a doubt, there will be many things that will keep you motivated throughout your journey, and considering the best developers spend a lifetime honing their skills, that is not a bad thing.

Is there anything else I should know before I embark on my developer journey?

Last Considerations: Other Things You Should Know to Become a Great Microsoft Developer

Although we gave you a list of the core skills that might make you a suitable candidate for job roles at big companies like Microsoft, there are other things you should know to increase your odds of landing the job.

They are the following:

  1. Soft skills
  2. Certifications
  3. Teamwork capabilities

1. Soft skills

Analytical thinking, creativity, patience, discipline, attention to detail, and problem-solving capabilities are all soft skills that you need to be successful in a professional environment. The more you learn about software development, the easier will be to use these skills.

2. Certifications

Getting the right certifications for what you are trying to achieve can definitely play a role in having a successful software developer career. For instance, if you are trying to become a Dynamics 365 developer, getting a Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations App Developer Associate certificate will help you. Not only does getting a certificate show companies like Microsoft that you are willing to upskill yourself to stay current, they also show them you have what it takes to get the job done. In most cases, certifications like Microsoft’s require you to pass one or more exams, which can prove challenging if you decide to study for them on your own.

Fortunately, we can offer you help in the form of accessible, thorough course-ware that will help you achieve your goals. If you are looking to get started on your journey towards becoming a Microsoft-worthy developer, you can take a look at our hands-on, content-rich courses and request a demo for them.

3. Teamwork capabilities

Once you become part of a team, you need to be able to work with them daily. No matter if you are working in an office or remotely, communication plays a key role in ensuring projects are successful. Do not be that one person that is difficult to work with, otherwise your development career will be cut short.

Conclusion: Is Training to Become a Great Microsoft Developer Worth it?

Even though the answer is a resounding yes, let us tell you why. Trying to keep up with the latest tech trends without fully understanding each concept is simply not sustainable over time. Without solid foundations, we fall into bad practices that reduce our value as developers. As a result, it is your responsibility as much as ours to ensure you are the best developer you can be. That is why we are doing our part by creating accessible tech education that gives you the opportunity of learning sought-after, six-figure skillsets at the fraction of the cost.

Reach out to us here if you have any questions concerning our products. We want to ensure you get the best quality, so any feedback is also appreciated.

Thank you for reading our post on the 5 Things You Must Know to Become a Great Microsoft Developer. If you have any questions, leave us a comment in the section below, we will reply as soon as possible. Do not forget to also visit our blog section to learn more about the opportunities you can access through Microsoft Technologies. This has been Brandon Ahmad, founder of Instructor Brandon and Dynatuners.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How do I get a job at Microsoft?” answer-0=”Getting a job at big companies like Microsoft is not easy. These organizations require you to have different skills under your belt. To learn more about them, read this blog post. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How can I become a good Microsof developer?” answer-1=”Mastering language design patterns is a good start, but there are also other things you should know to become an outstanding developer. Click here to read more.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What skills does a software developer need in 2021?” answer-2=”If you want to be a sought-after developer, you must master practical and soft skills. Learn more about the skills you need by reading this blog post.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”What soft skills do software developers need?” answer-3=”Even though practical skills are the most important, developers also need soft skills to thrive in professional environments. Learn more about the soft skills developers need by reading this blog post.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]
