Sorry, my Dynamics 365 Certification Training is Temporarily Sold Out

Sorry, my Dynamics 365 Certification Training is Temporarily Sold Out

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This is a tough post, but we will have to close enrollments for training right now.   The response that I got for training has simply overwhelmed our capacity.  179 people asked to register early for the course and many have been put on a waiting list. This was great but also unexpected. Unfortunately, we are at maximum capacity and I won’t open enrollment until February.


A lot of people want to know why there is a limit on my Dynamics 365 training, so I thought I would explain.  It’s not a matter of just taking people’s money. It’s a matter of doing what I consider to be a high quality course written and taught to the best of my ability.


  • First, my training is heavily customized with real-world scenario based challenges.  I’ve designed every lab myself, down to the spacing of the code.  Lots of time was spent, but because of the real world focus, the labs are more challenging than a typical course.  These labs will take thought and some help in many cases.  Careful learning tools have been applied to aid in these effects.
  • Even though this is a video course, which normally concerns lack of interaction, I have coachable sessions for each class twice a week with a ton of instructor one on one time.  This is fundamental to learning.  The person who designed the code is usually best at resolving their own code.  I wrote the labs.  During the coachable sessions, a lot of individual time is given and everything is live.  I do not leave the people in my classes alone.
  • Updates to the courses are made continuously as Microsoft changes things.  Sometimes, major changes in code or procedures can happen from one platform to the next in Dynamics 365.  Scaling out to to many people ruins my ability to do this because as much as 15% of the courseware time can be spent on adding new changes or modifying content to remove old trends.
  • Last, the demand has far surpassed my expected capacity and I need time to rethink if there is a way to scale such a customized approach.  These concepts are advanced and I’m a big believer that people need time and interaction to learn Dynamics for Finance and Operations programming quickly.  I’ve trained for years but this is my first time with my own Dynamics university.  I never had a course where 179 people asked to enroll.  The demand for real Dynamics programming learning is very strong right now, and I simply never planned for it.


Thus, enrollment will be closed until Feb 1st when the first class of people are finished with the course and have feedback.  I greatly appreciate the demand and the support.  The response has been like a dream considering how much work I put into the course.  Please give me some time to make this right and ensure that the sort of quality is maintained which ensures a high level of learning.  My sincerest apologies for anyone who is unable to enroll while I get through the current group and work on our infrastructure to scale out a little more.


If anyone needs to talk to me one on one about the training, not spam, please leave a message on my contact page and reference it with a phone number and message that you are inquiring about the training.  I will have to call you back outside of business hours (my day job is as a developer Technical Architect, not a trainer),but I will call you back on this if need be.  I want everyone to get the best possible training available and to master Dynamics programming.


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