Dynamics AX Mass Transfer for Fixed Assets: Troubleshooting Guide

Dynamics AX Mass Transfer for Fixed Assets: Troubleshooting Guide

Setting Up and Maintaining Fixed Assets

Transfer Date | Cumulative Update | Fixed Asset Accounting | D365 | Financial Management

Fixed assets are items of value, such as buildings, vehicles, land, and equipment, that are owned by an individual or corporation. Most businesses neglect the maintenance department as a cost center when installing an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Frequently, maintenance departments use outdated, disjointed technologies that are cumbersome, difficult to use, and do not give a transparent, real-time view of their actual spending.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and Fixed Assets highlights some of the fundamental financial functions offered in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Users can transfer and resolve errors in their financial transactions using this function.

It also tackles issues such as the establishment and utilization of budgeting, cash flow management, multicurrency, intercompany, and consolidated accounting. Additionally, students learn about the many advanced payment choices, how to make customer account statements, collection letters, full year-end closure capabilities, and prepare financial statements.

The third component, Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 investigates and teaches users how to utilize the fixed asset feature in AX 2012. This blogpost particularly emphasizes the setup needs for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and enquiries.

Fixed Assets Module in Dynamics AX

What is so great about fixed assets module in Dynamics AX? Here is a summary of some of the essential characteristics of Asset Management:

  1. You may now transfer several fixed assets simultaneously. For less than 100 assets, the transfer may be completed through the fixed assets list page. Use the Mass transfer form accessible in the Periodic portion of the fixed assets page for more over 100 assets.
  2. Having a built-in maintenance management solution in your ERP cannot be overstated in its significance. Real-time data on your assets equips company decision-makers with the resources necessary to assess equipment obsolescence, manage downtime more efficiently, and record the number of hours spent fixing and maintaining equipment. It includes reporting features on expenses, downtime, particular functional areas, and resource productivity and providing access to real-time data on your assets.
  3. It is essential to have an intuitive user interface to guarantee high-quality and reliable data for analytics. If consumers find the interface cumbersome or unpleasant to use, then user adoption will decline, and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to capture valuable data. Dynamics AX is user-friendly and provides front-line employees with a mobile workspace, spending less time on administrative activities and more time adding value to the enterprise.
  4. It permits hierarchical views of assets and locations, enabling users to dig down the correct data. Functional locations may be identified by building, line, room, or another manner that the firm desires.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and Fixed Assets focuses on a number of the core financial capabilities provided by Microsoft Dynamics AX. Dynamics AX is user-friendly and enables mobile workspaces for front-line personnel.

Transfer of Fixed Assets

This section explains how to transfer financial information for a fixed asset when the asset’s ownership or responsibility changes. For example, a transfer in Microsoft Dynamics AX requires modifying the financial dimension values for one or more linked value models. Consequently, while it is usually referred to as moving a fixed asset, it is more appropriate to state that you transfer the associated value models.

You may transfer particular value models, such as those connected with a posting layer or all value models associated with a fixed asset. In either scenario, the transfer does not affect the relationship between the asset and the value models. Instead, the transfer alters only the financial variables related to the specified value models.

Financial Dimension Values

Cost Center, Division, and Department are examples of financial dimension values for the equipment required to maintain your organization’s cars. Select the proper value models to move a hydraulic lift from the Maintenance department to the Transportation department. As the transfer-to dimension values, you insert the current financial dimension values for Cost Center and Division. As the new value for the Department dimension, you enter Transportation. Our custom-designed labs at Instructor Brandon provide a hands-on learning experience in the real world; enroll now.

Using the transfer method, you may record asset transfers from one business unit or account to another. You may transfer assets depending on the complete account structure (business unit, object, and subsidiary) or a subset of it. For instance, if you transfer a computer from one department to another inside your organization, you utilize the transfer application to generate the corresponding journal entries.

The transfer software may be used to record retroactive transfers. A retroactive transfer is a transfer that occurred previous to the current G/L date and is registered as of the prior date. When a retroactive transfer is processed, the depreciation expenditure amount for the time between the actual transfer and the processing of the transfer is likewise moved to the new account, as specified in the processing choices. For instance, if a piece of equipment was physically transported from one business unit to another many month before the transfer was processed, you may input the actual date of transfer and the new depreciation expenditure account simultaneously.

A user may process data for bulk intra-company transfer using a spreadsheet template. The user can transfer assets having the following characteristics:

  • New Assets
  • Current Assets
  • Quantity and fundamental measurement unit


You may record asset transfers from one business unit to another using the transfer technique. You are able to transfer assets based on the whole account structure (business unit, object, and subsidiary) or a part of it. Using a spreadsheet template, a user may process data for intra-company transmission in mass quantities.

Functional Walkthrough of Mass Fixed Asset Transfer in Dynamics AX

Using the mass transfer option to transfer fixed assets

  Step 1

Go to Fixed assets > Periodic > Mass transfer.

  Step 2

If the Public Sector configuration key is selected, select a transfer-from account and a transfer-to account.

  Step 3

In the Transfer date field, enter the date to use for the accounting transactions that are created for the transfers.

  Step 4

In the Transfer comments field, enter comments about the transfer.

  Step 5

Click the Select button. Enter the criteria to select the asset value models to transfer, and then click OK.

  Step 6

In the Transfer to financial dimensions field group, select the financial dimension values that the asset value models will be transferred to.

  Step 7

In the Transfer from financial dimensions field group, select the financial dimension values that the asset value models will be transferred from.

  Step 8

To print a report, select Print a report of the selected assets, set the print destination, and then click OK.

  Step 9

To transfer the selected assets, select Transfer the selected value models, and then click OK.


  Step 10

Click home > Inquiries > Batch jobs > Batch jobs.

  Step 11

Select any thread that has a status of Ended, and click log.

  Step 12

Review the info log message for the thread. If any thread failed, correct the error describe in the message, and then repeat the transfer.



Using the above steps, you will be able to mass transfer fixed assets in Dynamics AX.

Errors While Running This feature on Dynamics AX

Have you ever considered the potential for errors while utilizing this feature? Here are some of the possible mistakes you may experience. First, legacy data uploading into Microsoft Dynamics AX is not always a simple job. For instance, if you need to upload fixed assets for several legal organizations in your present Dynamics AX system, adding thousands of entries and the associated data would take time and effort. Additionally, this might lead to mistakes. At the end of the month, workers may miss ghost assets (unrecorded retirements for disposed assets) that need to be written off as they hurry to enter new assets and modifications into the system.

Are you not eliminating nonexistent fixed assets? In other words, are you overpaying for insurance, income taxes, and property taxes because your ledger is inaccurate?

Here are issues that you may face while using this feature:

  • Issue 1: Newly created fixed assets are not automatically included in the fixed asset statement report; instead, they must be allocated manually in the fixed asset statement row setup window since wildcards are not permitted in this setup window.
  • Issue 2: The columns of the fixed asset statement report and the categories of fixed asset transactions are connected by computer code and cannot be edited by users.
  • Issue 3: Fixed asset statement rows may only be formatted individually. Various row formats necessary for depicting different accounting transactions.
  • Issue 4: The basic Dynamics AX fixed asset statement report lacks the drill-down capabilities required for a comprehensive study and reconciliation of fixed asset statement data.
  • Issue 5: Typically, prepayments paid for fixed assets, financial assets – such as long-term investments – and other similar assets are not recorded in the fixed asset module but monitored in General Ledger. Numerous local standard-setters and governments mandate that these assets be included in the fixed asset statement report, necessitating future modifications and revisions.

The subsequent sections contain various examples that address how to resolve the concerns mentioned earlier with the fixed asset statement report. Please note that, for convenience and illustrative purposes, the following examples pertain to a single fixed asset group (PKW), a single value model (HGB), and a single fiscal year. Nonetheless, the suggested method may be expanded to many groupings of fixed assets, value models, and fiscal years.

Reporting and Consolidation


General Ledger

Accounts Payable

Accounts Receivables

Cost Accounting

Fixed Assets

Project Accounting

Create and manage your budgets.

Analyze your resources as you see fit.

Manage your vendor relationships and expenditures.

Effectively handle invoices and collections from customers

Analyze profitability and cost allocation

Automate your acquire to retire procedures

Profit tracking management for your project


Using this feature can lead to mistakes if you don’t consider the potential for errors. Above mentioned are some of the possible mistakes you may experience while using this feature.

Solutions to the AX Fixed Asset Statement Report Errors

The recommended solution to the problems with the conventional Dynamics AX fixed asset statement report is to configure the fixed asset statement report in the Management Reporter. The following setup actions are necessary to do this.

Step 1: Profile for asset posting setup

Set up a separate ledger account for each combination of (a) a fixed asset transaction type, (b) a fixed asset group, and (c) a value model when configuring the fixed asset posting profile as the first phase of setup. Please note that the configuration of fixed asset disposal transactions (sale, scrap) must also adhere to this approach since the Management Reporter cannot directly access the different fixed asset transaction types necessary for configuring a fixed asset statement.

Note: Please refer to the depicted fixed asset posting profile configuration in the appendix for further information on the ledger account configuration.

Step 2: Setting up financial parameters and account structures

The following essential configuration phase includes (a) the configuration of the automated financial dimensions for fixed assets and fixed asset groupings and (b) the configuration of the associated account structures in the General Ledger module.

Step 3: Automatic configuration of fixed asset / fixed asset Group financial dimensions

A modest code adjustment is necessary to guarantee that all fixed assets are automatically configured with their fixed asset group and fixed asset financial dimension values. After the code, the adjustment has been made, and a new fixed asset has been formed, the default fixed asset group and fixed asset financial dimension values may be seen in the value model window of the newly created fixed asset.

Step 4: Adjustment of code for reclassification of fixed assets

In addition to the code adjustment shown in the preceding phase, a second code modification is necessary to manage the reclassification of fixed assets. Typically, the fixed asset reclassification procedure is implemented when the construction of a fixed asset – such as a production hall, machine, etc. – is complete and all expenditures assigned to theconstruction in progress fixed asset are transferred to a newly established fixed asset. The following images highlight the issue with asset reclassifications and explain why a code adjustment is required.

For the construction of the fixed asset “FA0003,” total expenditures of 10,000 euros and depreciation costs of 500 euros were incurred. Using the regular reclassification feature, the fixed asset is reclassified as a new fixed asset “FA0004” once construction is complete.

This issue may be resolved by adding the following line of code to the Asset Reclassification class.

Step 5: Setup of fixed asset journals for fixed asset classifications and fixed asset splits

Dynamics AX has no distinct transaction types for documenting reclassifications and divisions of fixed assets. If you want to report on these transactions separately in the fixed asset statement report, you must thus establish separate fixed asset posting journals in General Ledger. The number sequence assigned to these journals may then be used to identify fixed asset reclassifications and splits in the Management Reporter.

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There are no specific transaction types in Dynamics AX for recording reclassifications and asset splits. If you want to report separately on these transactions in the fixed asset statement report, you must create separate journals. Errors that may occur when using the functionality are highlighted with their respective resolutions.

Best Practices for setting up/using Fixed Assets 

Typically, businesses establish one value model per group of fixed assets. Thus, the ‘MACH‘ value model would only be applied to the ‘Machines’ fixed asset category. This assists in organizing your assets and distinguishing them when running reports. Each value model or collection of fixed assets is assigned its ledger account, allowing more visibility into your trial balance.

If you need to monitor the tax depreciation of an item, I would recommend combining the depreciation books and derived depreciation books functions. The generated depreciation books are a helpful feature since each transaction you do (according to your standard value model) is immediately replicated in the depreciation books. The primary distinction between value models and depreciation books is that value model transactions are posted to the general ledger, while depreciation books are only informative and have no impact on your public ledger. Please note that you may also use derived value models.

Fixed Asset Balances Report

Take the time to build out your posting profile for each value model and simulate every possible scenario. The disposal sale/scrap posting requirements are pretty complicated and need extensive preparation and testing.


KPIs on the Fixed Assets





Asset Cost by Class

This shows the cost of all assets by asset type. It displays the current year and the previous year, enabling the user to analyze asset investment patterns.

It reflects the major categories of fixed assets such as land, buildings, plant equipment, and office equipment.


Net Book Value by Class

This shows the current and previous year’s net book value of assets by class.

This enables the user to track asset value trends.


Acquisition by Class

Enlists New assets purchased over the time.

Enables users to see investments in each asset class over time in order to verify investments are in accordance with corporate strategy.


Accumulated Depreciation by Class

This helps users to follow depreciation trends by displaying cumulative depreciation by asset type for the current and previous year.

Monitoring cumulative depreciation may ensure that asset values are not overstated, hence inflating the worth of the firm.

The fixed asset balances report is, in my view, the most exemplary report. This reveals, among other things, the purchase cost, depreciation expenditure, and NBV. It also enables you to summarize the totals of these sums for each fixed group, which helps reconcile your fixed asset sub-ledger to your main ledger.

Occasionally, several default reports in Fixed Assets are missing vital data columns. It is rather challenging with more than 90,000 assets and ever-increasing internal control needs. Therefore, the best option is to review the standard reports and adapt them to incorporate the necessary data. For example, you may add extra fields to the Disposals report and the Fixed Asset Listing Report.

Other minor adjustments that may be made include the following:

  • Add the fields Placed-in-Service Date, Acquisition Cost, Accumulated Depreciation, and a key Sort Field to the Disposal Report.
  • Add the fields Acquisition Date, Placed-in-Service Date, Acquisition Price, and Accumulated Depreciation to the Fixed Asset Listing.

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The standards for disposal sale/scrap posting are rather complex and involve substantial planning and testing. With more than 90,000 assets and ever-increasing internal control requirements, it is tough therefore some best practices have been outlined above.

At Instructor Brandon | Dynatuners, we always seek innovative methods to improve your competitiveness and suit your Microsoft Dynamics 365 requirements. Our offerings are founded on defined procedures, industry experience, and product understanding. If you’re interested to consult with our technical solutions experts on how we may help you manage your multiple assets, don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What does transfer of assets mean? ” answer-0=”An asset transfer happens when one individual conveys ownership of an asset to another person or to a group of persons. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What is fixed asset in Dynamics 365? ” answer-1=”Fixed assets are objects of value are owned by a person or organisation. The objects include buildings, cars, land, and equipment. You may set up and input purchase information for fixed assets, and then manage the assets by depreciating them and establishing a capitalization threshold to calculate depreciation. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What is categorization of Fixed assets? ” answer-2=”To reclassify a fixed asset, you must move it to a new fixed asset group or give a new fixed asset number to it in the same group. When a fixed asset is reclassified: All books for the current fixed asset are established for the new fixed asset. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]
