Learning PowerView Tutorial Series with Excel 2013, SharePoint 2013, and SQL Server 2012

Learning PowerView Tutorial Series with Excel 2013, SharePoint 2013, and SQL Server 2012

PowerView truly ushers anyone using SQL Server 2012 and Excel into the self-service business intelligence world. In this series, you will take Microsoft’s Hello World Picnic Sample and deep dive into it step by step. We do a lot here: slicers, bar charts, line charts, multiple series, arranging, cards, tiles, highlighting, views, bubble charts, multiples, and deploying to SharePoint 2013). Pay special attention to the ease of filtering, parameterization, layout control, and charting as all of these are improved upon significantly from traditional SQL Server Reports.


It is quite possible that our self-service Business Intelligence practitioner could utilize this tool without the learning curve associated with learning SQL.

One note, the tutorial was originally written for someone using Excel 2010 but I used Excel 2013 and SharePoint 2013.

Also, please remember that it is very important that you do these labs also!! Watching the videos is not enough. What the video will do, however, is ensure that you walk out understanding why you are doing your steps and correct anything that may get you ‘stuck’ while you are doing the lab.

I accidentally recorded these tutorials at the wrong resolution. Everything still looks mostly clear, however. So, I will leave it for now as I won’t have time to record the videos again for a while.

To do these exercises, you need:

  1. SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013
  2. SQL Server 2012
  3. Excel 2010 or Excel 2013
  4. Download Microsoft’s Hello Picnic Sample: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26718

If you do not have these, you can sign up for a free 6 month trial from Microsoft for the cloud or 6 months of evaluation software. For example, as of this date (remember that links change), you can get the cloud trial here:



Or you can download Microsoft’s 180 day trial for SQL Server 2012, SharePoint, Windows, ect.. Just Google the terms for the software that you need and you will find them.


Then, you can watch my video tutorial and go through the steps yourself:

Brandon’s teaching videos on PowerView:

