Techno-Functional Dynamics 365 Data Model Tutorial Part 15 of 25 – Create Worker Process

Techno-Functional Dynamics 365 Data Model Tutorial Part 15 of 25 – Create Worker Process

Dynamics 365 Create Worker Techno-Functional Tutorial Part 15

Techno-Functional Dynamics 365 Data Model Tutorial To Create Worker Process

Get Microsoft Development Training and learn to create a Department in Dynamics 365 through our techno-functional walkthrough. Here’s the Dynamics 365 Create Worker Process.

In the previous blog post of this series, you have learned how to create a department and positions in Dynamics 365. Now, following this series of blog posts, we will guide you to the technical and functional processes of worker creation, so you can get a deep understanding and knowledge of this process.

In every company around the world, there are workers and employees. By following the steps explained here, you can create a new worker in your Dynamics 365 environment. This way you have a register and control of the people involved in your company.

This blog post offers step-by-step guidance through visuals, ERD, tables, and X++ code, aiming to develop a clearer understanding of the process.

Let’s move on the Dynamics 365 Create Worker Process.

Quick Functional Recap of Dynamics 365 Create Worker

Let’s start with a quick functional recap. In Dynamics 365, you must follow some basic steps to create a new worker:

Step 1: Go to HR & Click on Workers

Go to Human Resources > Workers and click on Workers. The Workers form will open.

Step 1: Go to HR & Click on Workers

Step 2: Create New Worker

Click on the “New” button to create the new Worker. The “Hire new worker” dialog will pop up on the right of the screen.

Step 2: Create New Worker

Step 3: Enter the Worker Details

Enter the worker details. In the example below, the worker’s first name is Worker First Name, the worker’s middle name is Worker Middle Name, and the last name is Worker Last Name. Select the employment date of the worker, the worker type, and the position of the worker.

After adding all the required information, click on the “Hire” button to create the worker.

Step 3: Enter the Worker Details


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Step 4: Dynamics 365 Create Worker Process

In the Workers form, you can see that your worker was created successfully in Dynamics 365.

Step 4: Dynamics 365 Create Worker Process

Quick Technical Part


The DirPersonName table contains the date effective names for each person in the system.

Field Data Types Description
FirstName String This field contains the first name of the worker
LastName String This field contains the last name of the worker
MiddleName String This field contains the middle name of the worker
Person Int64 This field contains information on Person
ValidFrom DateTime Contains information of valid from date of the person
ValidTo DateTime Contains information of valid to date of the person


The DirPerson table contains the party record of the person.

Field Data Types Description
BirthMonth BaseEnum This field contains information on Birth Month
Gender BaseEnum Contains information on the gender of the person
MaritalStatus BaseEnum This field contains information on the marital status of the worker
Hobbies String Contains information about the hobbies of the person
PersonTitle Int64 Contains information of person title


This table shows the type of employment.

Field Data Types Description
DefaultDimension Int64 This field contains information of Default Dimension values which is Ref Recid of Ledger Dimension
EmploymentType Enum This field refers to the employment type
LegalEntity Int64 Contains the information of the legal entity, which is the company where the employee is working
ValidFrom DateTime Contains information of valid from date of an employee
ValidTo DateTime Contains information of valid to date of an employee
Worker Int64 RecId reference to the worker in the table HCMWorker.


This table contains the records of the employees and contractors that are further used with the HRM and payroll tables.

Field Data Types Description
Person Int64 DirPartyRecId contains information with the name of the person
PersonnelNumber String A personnel number assigned to employee/worker by employer/organization and is used to track different records.


The DirPartyTable contains all the parties. The Global Address Book stores all the people and organizations used in the system.

Field Data Types Description
Name String This field contains the name of the party, which can be an employee or contractor.
PartyNumber String This field contains the party number
PrimaryAddressLocation Int64 The primary address information of the party is stored in this field.
AddressBookNames String Global address book names of parties are stored in this field.
PrimaryContactPhone Int64 The contact number of the party is stored in the table.

Here is the code example to create a new Worker in D365:

[sourcecode language=”c-sharp”] class WorkerCreation


/// <summary>

/// Runs the class with the specified arguments.

/// </summary>

/// <param name = "_args">The specified arguments.</param>

public static void main(Args _args)


DirPerson dirPerson;

DirPersonName dirPersonName;

HcmWorker newHcmWorker;

HcmWorkerTitle hcmWorkerTitle;

LogisticsLocation logisticsLocation;

LogisticsLocation lLogisticsLocation;

DirPartyContactInfoView dirPartyContactInfoView;

DirParty dirParty;

HcmEmploymentRecId newEmploymentRecId;

ValidFromDateTime employmentStartDateTime;

ValidToDateTime employmentEndDateTime;

str employeeEmailAdress;

HcmPersonnelNumberId employeeid;

RecId compayRecId;


dirPersonName.FirstName = "Test First Name"; // First Name of the worker

dirPersonName.MiddleName = "Test Middle Name"; // Middle Name of the worker

dirPersonName.LastName = "Test Last Name "; // Last name of the worker

employeeEmailAdress = "Te********@gm***.com"; // Email address of the worker

employeeid = "TestWorker-001"; // Worker Id

compayRecId = CompanyInfo::findDataArea("USMF").RecId; // Company

employmentStartDateTime =DateTimeUtil::utcNow(); // Worker start date

employmentEndDateTime = DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::maxValue(), DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone());



newHcmWorker = HcmWorker::find(HcmWorkerTransition::newCreateHcmWorker(dirPersonName

, employeeid

, compayRecId

, HcmEmploymentType::Employee

, employmentStartDateTime

, employmentEndDateTime));

dirParty = new DirParty(DirPerson::find(dirPersonName.Person));

if(employeeEmailAdress != ” && newHcmWorker.Person != 0)



logisticsLocation = LogisticsLocation::create(‘Email’, NoYes::No);

dirPartyContactInfoView.LocationName = ‘Primary Email’;

dirPartyContactInfoView.Locator = employeeEmailAdress;

dirPartyContactInfoView.Type = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Email;

dirPartyContactInfoView.Party = DirPerson::find(newHcmWorker.Person).RecId;

dirPartyContactInfoView.IsPrimary = NoYes::Yes;



if (newHcmWorker.RecId != 0)




hcmWorkerTitle.Worker = newHcmWorker.RecId;

hcmWorkerTitle.ValidFrom =DateTimeUtil::utcNow(); // Valid from Date

hcmWorkerTitle.ValidTo = employmentEndDateTime; // Valid To date




if (newHcmWorker.RecId != 0)


info(newHcmWorker.PersonnelNumber+" Worker Created");





info(HcmWorker::findByPersonnelNumber(employeeid).PersonnelNumber+" already exists");





ERD: Entity Relation Diagram of Dynamics 365 Create Worker

And this is the ERD. By looking at the ERD of the Worker creation process, you will get a deeper and better understanding of the involved tables, their relationships, and the overall hierarchy of the data.

ERD: Entity Relation Diagram of Dynamics 365 Create Worker

Summary – Dynamics 365 Create Worker Techno-Functional Tutorial Part 15

In this blog post Dynamics 365 Create Worker Techno-Functional Tutorial Part 15 what you have learnt is summarized as below:

  • Learned how to perform an important Human Resource (HR) process in Dynamics 365-Creating a worker
  • Familiarized yourself with step-by-step procedures for the process
  • Explored the technical aspects of Worker Creation Process
  • Looked at ERD, tables, and X++ runnable code for the process
  • Understood the importance of the tables DirPersonName, DirPerson, HcmEmployment, HcmWorker, DirPartyTable, along with their fields and functions.
We sincerely hope that you enjoyed part 15 of our exciting series on the Dynamics 365 data model. We aim to provide quality service at all times.  And as always, if you need to reach me, you know how to get in touch by reaching out to me here. – Brandon Ahmad, founder of InstructorBrandon and Dynatuners
