Task Recorder


The Task recorder focuses on high-responsiveness, a flexible extensibility application programming interface (API), and seamless integrations with consumers of business process recordings.

To create a task recording, follow these steps:​

  1. We recommend that you refresh the browser before each new recording to create a new user session. Refreshing your browser will restart the Task recorder if you already have it open. This will provide the most stable recording experience and prevent unwanted changes to an existing task recording.​
  2. Select Settings > Task recorder.​
  3. Select Create recording.​
  4. Enter a name of the recording and select Start. The Task recorder immediately enters Recording mode. The pane will display information and controls that are related to the process of recording.​
  5. Run through a process. As you go through forms, select buttons, and enter data, steps are added to the task recording.​
  6. Select Stop.​

You can download and save a task recording in different ways:​

  • Task recording package – This can be used to play a task guide, maintain the recording, or edit the recording’s annotation.​
  • Raw recording file – This is used for developer scenarios, such as test code generation.​
  • BPM file – This creates a Word document with the recorded steps, as well as any screenshots that were captured.​
  • Save the recording to the Lifecycle Services library – If the Lifecycle Services library is set as a Help library, you will be able to find the task guide by searching the Help menu.​

To maintain a recording that you have saved locally as a file with the “.axtr” extension, follow these steps:​

  1. Open the Task recorder pane.​
  2. Select Maintain a recording.​
  3. Select It is in a file I can upload to load the Task recorder package (.axtr).​
  4. Select Start. The Task recorder begins recording in Maintenance mode.​

While in Maintenance mode, you can choose from several controls to maintain a task recording:​

  • Step​
  • Play​
  • Play until​

Insert step​

Move steps under a sub task

Import a Task Recorder recording into Visual Studio

The Task recorder feature includes additional advanced recording options. One option is the advance grid row selection. To ensure that the correct grid row is selected during test playback, the filter criteria needs to be explicitly defined.​

The Task recorder’s Rollback changes to business data option can revert business data that is created during recording when recording is complete. This option can be used primarily to create task recordings for tests.​

You can play the task guide On-rails. Users can play the task guide to be prompted about what step to complete next. When the step is completed, the task guide will automatically progress to the next step. These rails prevent the user from selecting elements other than the element that is identified in the task guide.​