Manage the Code Update Process

The following best practices will help you navigate your custom code extensions during the update process:​

  • Have a code branch for development. As you continue to update, you’ll need to update your custom code to be compatible with the update’s changes. Promote from this branch to a test branch to confirm that changes work as you update your environments. Do a local, full build on a cloud-hosted, development environment that has been updated to the latest version to see all Best Practice warnings and errors that need to be addressed before updating other environments. Redeploy other, non-development cloud-hosted environment topologies on the new version rather than updating in place.​
  • Deploy the update to your Tier 2 environments, then your custom code package with all changes promoted from the Development environment. Test the application and custom code in the Tier 2 environment and address any resulting issues. This process will ensure no errors exist with custom code after the deployment of updates in your environments.​

Remember, when making code changes, to ensure that you are developing in a custom extension model. Having a custom model where you create extensions of existing Microsoft objects will automatically rename the extension file type to avoid compatibility issues with Microsoft code and objects that might change during an update.​