Understanding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Vendor Scorecard in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain

Understanding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Vendor Scorecard in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Vendor Scorecard 

Vendor Scorecard | Vendor Management | Supplier Scorecard | KPI | Supplier Management

What is a KPI?

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a metric that assesses how well a department or company accomplishes its goals. KPIs are used at many levels within the organization to determine how successfully an individual, team, or business unit meets its goals. KPIs are the metrics you use to track your progress over time, and they will differ by industry. However, the information gained from such measures can be used to develop strategies for increasing sales, reducing inefficiencies, and increasing revenue. By investing in supply chain integration and optimization, a company can improve its service level to customers while also bolstering a differentiation that no competition can match. From order to fulfillment – and even the return process – optimizing that supply chain means hitting supply chain KPI performance criteria like agility, reliability, and accuracy every step of the way.

So, how can suppliers enhance delivery performance while keeping up with the businesses’ fast-paced, ever-changing dynamics? It’s not just about deploying new technology; it’s about sustaining a complex technology network with highly flexible integration and rapidly adaptive systems to optimize business processes that generate key performance indicators (KPIs).

KPI success, then, necessitates a cutting-edge technology strategy that allows for multi-enterprise supply chain connectivity, as well as cloud and application interaction. It requires the use of accurate and reliable data, as well as end-to-end process automation. It will necessitate ecosystem integration.

As end-to-end process automation, it will necessitate ecosystem integration.


A key performance indicator (KPI) is a metric that assesses how well a department or company accomplishes its goals. KPIs can be used to develop strategies for increasing sales, reducing inefficiencies, and increasing revenue. By investing in supply chain optimization, a company can improve its service level to customers.

What Is a Vendor Scorecard? Everything You Need to Know

A vendor scorecard is an enterprise tool that may measure and build a good connection between your salespeople and the vendor (also known as supplier scorecard or supplier management scorecard). In addition, you may get information with scorecards from vendors to help you improve your score.

VMS Software, which is generally favored by huge businesses with multiple intricate vendor connections, may generate scorecards. All sectors’ supplier relationship management (SRM) controls a scorecard that lists both vendors and buyers.

When crafting a vendor scorecard, the following four steps are most frequently used:

  1. Identify critical performance measures (KPIs). Analyze how well your firm is doing by deciding on the performance indicators you will use to gauge whether or not your organization is hitting its primary business goals.
  2. Once you have set up the necessary metrics, you will need to collect vendor performance data regularly.
  3. For some weight measurements, one metric is more critical than the other. The most essential and helpful metrics are listed according to how crucial they are to your organization’s performance and how effectively they support your key performance indicators.
  4. Once stakeholders have examined metric data results and weighed those outcomes, the next step is to look at the areas where a vendor needs improvement. After that, it’s time to rethink a partnership.

Different types of scorecards may be used while looking at many suppliers. Also, companies may use several scorecards to monitor vendor performance of various sorts to guarantee that a vendor fulfills stated requirements.

What Is a Vendor Scorecard? Everything You Need to Know


A vendor’s scorecard is an enterprise tool used to assess and improve the relationship between your salespeople and the vendor. When evaluating a large number of suppliers, several kinds of scorecards may be utilized. For example, VMS Software may generate scorecards, often used by large companies with many complex vendor relationships.

vendor scorecard

Why Does a Supplier Scorecard Exist?

Supplier scorecards may provide many advantages, but the main reason is to monitor and control vendor performance. With this in mind, scorecards are an essential part of the assessment and management process for vendors.

Why Use a Vendor Scorecard?

The scorecards make evaluating suppliers based on their performance simpler. Customers and vendors benefit from suppliers maintaining customer scorecards because it improves relationships, lowers costs, eliminates errors, and allows continuous development.

The following are the main benefits of using a vendor scorecard:

  1. Clarity

    KPIs, which also contain vital business indicators, qualify and quantify how your company defines itself, enabling you to track key business trends. The scorecard must represent the partnership’s overall function. It’s essential to have a solid management plan to deal with vendor issues that emphasize its short-term financial and budgetary objectives.

  1. Objectivity

    Supplier scorecards remove biases or mistakes in the supply chain management process because they utilize objective, data-driven information to make decisions. A company must have a system in place to track and hold suppliers responsible for their performance. Scorecards level the playing field amongst providers by allowing them to assess their own and other suppliers’ performance in the same sector.

  1. Comprehensiveness

    Because scorecards provide the apparent advantages of an analytical tool as well as providing an invaluable lesson on how to tailor your scorecards to your business’s specific requirements, they afford several benefits, such as increased understanding, self-evaluation, and ability to get to the heart of a matter. In addition, management, monitoring, and sustaining growth goals are possible via vendor scorecard systems.

  1. Tracking and Benchmarking

    Scorecards, which also verify compliance, may be used to assess service level agreements. A balanced approach between external (i.e., shareholder and customer) and internal (i.e., employee) elements may be found by looking at the vendor scorecard (i.e., concerning crucial company procedures, origination, and knowledge). Such indicators track the company’s development over time.

  1. Negotiation Support

    Scorecard data offers a robust, evidence-based basis for future agreements with existing or potential suppliers.

  1. Judgment and Conventional wisdom

    Scorecards help you understand data to better support individual managers or teams as they make decisions.

  1. Supplier Justification

    You may quickly assess whether a supplier is an advantage or a burden to your company by using a collection of scorecard sheets that measure the supplier’s performance in various areas.

  1. Better Partnerships

    Vendor scorecards’ simplicity encourages communication and understanding among all parties. Scorecards should be utilized regularly both within and outside of the organization (i.e., with suppliers). According to Blokdyk, scorecards’ usage depends on your company objectives, and they may be used for quarterly, monthly, or even weekly assessments. A vendor scorecard should not be used as a stand-alone tool. Vendor assessments and standard operating procedures (SOPs) can’t be fully completed without usage. The best you can hope for is to extract the most value from it.

    The result of incorporating the vendor-specific, tailored scorecard for the company is described as enabling your team, providing vital information quickly, doing more efficient management activities, and offering critical reporting and analytics. Due to the significant reliance on scorecards, vendor management utilizes scorecards. As a result, the documents’ information collection facilitates a company’s ability to optimize the return on investment (ROI) while minimizing risk. In addition, they get regular updates on the state of their suppliers, which helps businesses to make more informed decisions.

    1. Let others know what is expected.
    2. Maintain agreement among buyers and providers.
    3. Determine the total acquisition cost of a product or service.
    4. Examine any deficiencies in the supply chain that could be prevented ahead of time.


Vendor scorecards should be utilized on a regular basis both within and outside the business. Your company’s goals determine the use of scorecards, and they may be used for quarterly, monthly, or even weekly evaluations. A vendor scorecard should not be utilized in isolation. The best you can hope for is to get the most out of it. It allows your team to do more efficient management tasks while also providing crucial reporting and analytics.

When Do Supplier Scorecards Come into Play Throughout the Procurement Process?

The procurement team’s onboarding of the new vendor is completed by implementing the RFP process, negotiating the contract, and employing the new vendor. The vendor evaluation procedure should be completed as part of the onboarding process. Now is the time to agree on and develop vendor-specific evaluation criteria. Set and monitor the key performance indicators officially while the contract details are still fresh in your mind (KPIs).

After an onboarding phase, vendor evaluations are often conducted once a quarter. This typically includes the additional questions and the regular supplier scorecard and due diligence questionnaire (DDQ). The relationship is evaluated on a more frequent basis, with a more in-depth evaluation every year that includes new data to seek insights and opportunities to improve the collaboration.

vendor scorecard for the procurement process

Who Utilizes Scorecards

Suppliers are often handled by strategic sourcing and procurement managers, who both monitor supplier scorecards. Other stakeholders in the business, though, may be able to assist with the process. The scorecards are also used to give senior executives reports on vendor value and supply chain health.


When do supplier scorecards enter the picture throughout the procurement process? As part of the onboarding process, the vendor assessment method should be performed. Set and formally monitor the key performance indicators while the contract specifics are still fresh in your memory (KPIs). Following an onboarding period, vendor assessments are typically performed once a quarter. This contains the standard supplier evaluation and due diligence questions (DDQ)

Businesses that employ KPI-driven scorecards to manage many suppliers and complicated national and international supply chains gain a competitive advantage.

Metrics for Vendor Scorecards

These are quantifiable facts that offer statistical information about a vendor’s performance. Even if you compare potential suppliers, this information may be utilized to assess or select a provider.

The emphasis of a metrics-based approach, such as outsourcing payables services, would be on quality metrics. Quantity metrics, such as transaction volumes, on the other hand, would focus on a metric-based process, such as outsourcing payables services. In general, most companies are very effective regarding the sheer amount of what they produce, but they aren’t attentive to the quality of their output.

To successfully develop quality scorecard indicators, stakeholders should discuss their business goals and how a supplier can assist them. You should not penalize suppliers; instead, you should complement them.

Make sure you include these key metrics at the beginning of your scorecard:

Skills Analysis

  1. The proposition of business value.
  2. Supplier financial health evaluation by a strong R&D team.
  3. Supply chain capabilities are vertically integrated.
  4. Policies in place throughout the supply chain.
  5. Back-ordered money and units for goods are saved weekly.

Novelty and Adaptability

  1. A commitment to continuous development.
  2. Monitoring the development of new products.
  3. Innovation and the creation of new products.
  4. Cost-cutting suggestions and possibilities.

Metrics for Vendor Scorecard

Score card



Must Know

Direct Material Supplier Scorecard


6 times a year

Supplier scorecards are generated and are shared with suppliers based on questionnaire results

Risk Scorecard


3 times a year

Scores are given by selected individuals from selected functions

Subcontracting Scorecard


3 times a year

Scorecards are managed by management team

Other scorecards


On need basis



Businesses with many suppliers and complex supply chains that use KPI-driven scorecards gain a competitive edge. A metrics-based strategy, such as outsourcing payables services, would concentrate on quality indicators such as several mistakes. In general, most businesses are efficient in terms of the number of products they generate, but they are not concerned with the quality of their work.

Essential Vendor Scorecard KPIs

A vendor key performance indicator is a statistic that shows how effectively a vendor is assisting a firm in achieving its strategic business goals.

The KPIs should be well-defined if you use service-level agreements (SLAs) in a contract to build a vendor scorecard. The key performance indicators for your firm will be determined by the kind of business goals you have and how you assess them.

As you establish your vendor scorecard, remember the following key performance indicators:

To reduce dependence on a single vendor, document all your supplier relationships and identify redundant providers.

  1. Compliance Rate

    How successfully do suppliers adhere to company policies such as safety and regulations and purchase order cycle time required to monitor lag periods in your company.

  2. Vendor on-demand response

    Evaluate a vendor’s ability to fulfill your company’s and customers’ current and future needs while also projecting future growth.

  1. Product Defect Rates

    When you know the current levels and the breaking threshold, you may compute the defect percentages.

  1. Rate of Errors

    Keep a running tally of the frequency of product and service failures.

  1. Materials Defects

    Ask the vendor to confirm that the grade and value for production are accurate.

  1. Competitive Lead Times

    Knowing how long it takes to fulfill an order is key to being competitive.

  1. Cost of Purchase Orders

    The total price of purchase orders should be recorded so you can keep track of the internal costs involved with each order.

  1. Procurement Cost Reduction

    Utilize the data gathered to protect against future costs and determine a specific supplier’s procurement return on investment.

Setting up Vendors in MS Dynamics 365

Steps: Creating Vendor Evaluation Criteria Groups

  Step 1

Procurement and Sourcing > Setup > Vendor > Vendor evaluation criterion group

vendor scorecard step 1

  Step 2

Click on New and fill out the fields.

vendor scorecard step 2

  Step 3

Add as many criteria groups as you want in the same way.

vendor scorecard step 3

Steps: Creating Vendor Evaluation Criteria

  Step 1

Procurement and Sourcing > Setup > Vendor > Vendor evaluation criteria

  Step 2

Click on the New button on the menu bar and fill out the fields. In the field Vendor Evaluation Criteria Groups, enter the evaluation criteria group you made in the first step.

  Step 3

Similarly, create as many criteria as you want.

Steps Configuring Vendors for Evaluation

  Step 1

Procurement and Sourcing > Procurement categories

  Step 2

Select your top-level node and go to the Vendor evaluation criteria group tab in the detail form. Click on

  Step 3

Move all the criteria you want from the available box to the selected boxClick on the OK.

  Step 4

Now, we will want to associate the vendors that we want to evaluate in this procurement category. Go to the Vendors tab in the detail form and click on Add.

  Step 5

Select all the vendors that you want to assess and click Ok.

Steps: Recording Vendor Evaluations

  Step 1

Select the vendor you want to evaluate on the tab Vendors of detail form and click on Evaluation.

  Step 2

This will open the Vendor evaluation maintenance form with all the Evaluation Criteria Groups listed on the left and all the Evaluation Criteria for that group on the right. To update any vendor ratings, select the rating for the criteria you want to update and choose the rating you would like to apply. Repeat this for all the Criteria Evaluation Groups (if there are more than one criteria).

  Step 3

You will see an Average Rating after saving.

KPI Summaries in D365

The KPI (key performance indicator) summary dashboard in D365 provides a high-level snapshot of your company’s customer service experience.

A range of charts with graphical views of your system’s key performance indicators may be seen on the KPI summary dashboard in D365. The dashboard displays KPIs for the previous month and all of your system’s products, channels, business units, and teams. Primarily the KPI summary dashboard consists of the following:

  • KPI summary charts: The KPI summary charts show the % change in key performance indicators over a certain period.
  • Case breakdown chart: The Case Breakdown Chart depicts the breakdown of support cases throughout the selected period, separating new cases from backlog cases carried over from the prior period. Backlog cases are unsolved support cases at the start of the chosen period.
  • Priority chart: The Case Priority Chart displays the percentage breakdown of regular, low, and high-priority support cases for the chosen period.
  • Channel chart: The Case Channel Chart displays the breakdown of support cases by support channel for the chosen period.
  • Tracking chart: For the given period, the Case tracking chart displays the trend in the number of new support cases and the trend in the number of cases that have been resolved.


The KPI (key performance indicator) summary dashboard in D365 provides a high-level snapshot of your company’s customer service experience. The dashboard displays KPIs for the previous month as well as for all of your system’s products, channels, business units, and teams.

Why integrate your businesses with Dynamics 365?

Data compliance will always be critical to your bottom line because engaging and doing business with new and existing consumers is critical to generating money. To accommodate your customers’ increasing needs, an integration platform such as Dynamics 365 provides all types of data formats and protocols. It has the following advantages:

  1. End-to-end data transformation, orchestration, and seamless movement processes

    By automating data validation, transformation, and orchestration procedures across your internal environment and cloud apps, companies can expedite any-to-any integration and streamline their business processes.

  1. All data exchanges are visible in real-time

    End-to-end data flows that are integrated encourage real-time visibility, and companies can access performance data that leads to new business opportunities and insights. Business users can see and track the whole customer journey, from order placement to fulfillment, and provide quality customer support at any point along the way.

  1. Makes all integrations and integration processes centralized

    When integrating with many clients and trading partners, you don’t want to complicate things further by installing one-off and custom integrations for each. D365 platform centralizes data movement procedures and eliminates the need for different clients and custom integrations, allowing you to consolidate systems and manage critical B2B integrations throughout your ecosystem more effectively.

  1. Reduce Manual Errors by Automating Core Integration Processes

    End-to-end automated processes help reduce the potentially costly errors that might arise when manual workflows are used. Furthermore, it cuts down on the time it takes to set up and maintain data mapping or file transfers with new customers or technologies, resulting in a faster time to value.


Data compliance is critical to your bottom line, and an integration platform such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 can help you meet your customers’ needs. It offers end-to-end data transformation, orchestration, and seamless movement processes, and all data exchanges are visible in real-time. D365 platform centralizes data movement procedures and eliminates the need for different clients and custom integrations, allowing you to consolidate systems more effectively.

At Instructor Brandon | Dynatuners, we always seek innovative methods to improve your competitiveness and suit your Microsoft Dynamics 365 requirements. Moreover, our offerings are founded on defined procedures, industry experience, and product understanding. If you’re interested to consult with our specialists on how we may help you meet your business performance optimization goals, don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

What are the Vendor Scorecard Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?

Procurement cost reduction, cost of purchase orders, competitive lead times, materials defects, compliance rate, vendor on-demand response, product defect rates are the vendor scorecard key performance indicators.

Why choose to use a vendor scorecard?

Clarity, objectivity, comprehensiveness, tracking and benchmarking, negotiation support, judgment and conventional wisdom, supplier justification, better partnerships are the key factors of using a vendor scorecard.

What are the key metrics to include at the beginning of your vendor scorecard?

Understanding both sides' present relationship status enables both parties to keep an eye on performance and provide feedback to each other. Quality, on-time delivery, acknowledgment rate, and responsiveness are gradable measures seen in most companies.
