Work with the Data Management Workspace(2)

Regenerate a map

If you have extended an entity (added fields) or if the automatic mapping appears to be incorrect, the mapping of the entity can be regenerated in the Mapping page.​

  1. To do this, select Generate source mapping. A message will display asking, “Do you want to generate the mapping from scratch?”​
  2. Select Yes to regenerate the mapping.​

Generate data

You may have fields in entities that are not specified in your imported source file. In this case, you can use the auto-generated functionality in the mapping details. This makes the system generate data for a specified field. For example, let’s say you are trying to import customers and customer address information, but your Party number field is not included in the import file. You can simply toggle the Auto-generated checkbox by the field, and the system will generate a party number automatically.​

However, notice that in the import project, the data source is coming from other systems, such as those legacy applications. finance and operations apps uses the business logics of each data entity, discovers the dependencies, and sequences the data entities based on their relationships and dependencies.​