Record Test Cases and Save to BPM

Create and save a new task recording

  1. Go to Settings > Task recorder.​
  2. Select Create recording.​
  3. Enter a name for the recording and then select Start.​
  4. When the recording is complete, in the Task recorder pane, select Stop.​
  5. To save the task recording to an attached BPM, select Save to Lifecycle Services.​
  6. Select the library that you want to save the recording to and then select OK. This automatically saves the recording into Lifecycle Services. If you already have a business library, then identify that in System administration > Setup > System Parameters > Help tab.​
  7. If you also want to save the recording on your computer, select Save to this PC. The extension of the recording file is AXTR.​

Upload an AXTR file to BPM

If you have saved your recordings (AXTR files) to your PC, follow these steps to upload them to BPM.​

  1. In Lifecycle Services, in your project, on the Business process libraries page, select the library to upload the task recording to.​
  2. In the right pane, select Upload.​
  3. Select Browse to find and select the file to upload, and then select Upload.​

Download a task recording

You can download a task recording (AXTR file) that has been uploaded to a BPM process.​

  1. In Lifecycle Services, in your project, on the Business process libraries page, select the library to download the task recording.​
  2. Select a process that has task recording uploaded.​
  3. On the Overview pane, select Download to save the task recording (AXTR).​

Save an existing task recording to BPM

  1. To attach an existing task recording, sign in to the client.​
  2. Go to Settings > Task recorder.​
  3. Select Edit Recording and attach the file by either saving directly to Lifecycle Services or downloading the AXTR and then uploading to BPM.​

Guidelines for recording test cases

Follow these guidelines when writing and recording your test cases, especially if you are planning to automate a test run. The process and tools that are described in this article apply to business process acceptance tests; they are not meant to replace component and unit testing that is typically owned by developers.​

  • Write a limited number of test cases that, when combined, cover complete end-to-end processes.​
  • Focus on business processes that have been customized.​
  • An individual test case (recording) should cover one or two business tasks only, typically run by one person. This simplifies task recording maintenance. Do not combine a complete end-to-end business process, such as procure-to-pay or order-to-cash, into one large task recording.​
  • For example, instead of having RFQ > Purchase Order > Product Receipt > Vendor Invoice > Vendor Payment as one test case, divide the process into three or four test cases. You will have the opportunity to combine these tests into an ordered test suite later.​
  • A test case should have at least one validation. Try to validate critical fields that cover the impact of other fields.​
  • For example, validation of totals on sales or purchase orders cover the unit price/quantity/discount/tax.​
  • Avoid printing a report in a test case. If a test case needs to print a report, it should be selected on screen.​
  • 80+ percent of test cases should be of transactions or source documents. Master data should be limited to up to 20 percent of test cases only.​