Add a tile button to your workspace in the user interface
To add a Tile button to your workspace in the user interface, follow these steps:
Right-click the dashboard below the header image and select Personalize.
Select the +Add a workspace button. A new workspace will be created, titled My Workspace 1.
Right-click My Workspace 1 and enter a new name for your workspace.
Open the navigation pane and go to Modules > Accounts Receivable > Customers > All customers.
On the Action Pane, select the Options tab.
In the Personalize button group, select Add to workspace.
In the Workspace drop-down menu, select your workspace.
In the Presentation drop-down menu, select Tile.
Select Configure.
In the Add as list pane, keep all defaults and select OK.
Select the finance and operations button to return to the dashboard.
Select your workspace. The tile now shows the properties that you configured.
Add a tile button to an existing workspace in the developer environment
To add a Tile button to an existing workspace, follow these steps:
Create a new project in Visual Studio and make sure that the model that your project is in references “Fleet Management.” Verify that the model that your project is in references “Fleet Management” by following these steps:
Select the Dynamics 365 menu.
Select Model management > Update model parameters.
Select the model that you are using in the Model name drop-down list.
Select Next.
Ensure that the Fleet Management model is selected in the References models screen.
With the new project open in the Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Add > New item.
In the Add new item window, select User Interface on the left pane.
Select Tile on the middle pane.
Name the new tile MyTile.
Select Add.
In the Properties window for the new MyTile object, select Wide in the Size field.
Select My Tile in the Label field.
Select Display in the Menu item type field.
Select FMSetup in the Menu item name field.
Select Save.
By linking this tile to the FMSetup menu display item, when the tile is selected in the application, it will open the Fleet Management Setup page.
Now, you will extend the Reservation management workspace and add the tile to the Summary section.
In Application Explorer, find the FMClerkWorkspace page.
Right-click FMClerkWorkspace and select Create extension.
A new form is added to your project called FMClerkWorkspace.Extension.
Right-click FMClerkWorkspace.Extension, select Rename, and rename the object to FMClerkWorkspace.myExtension.
Double-click FMClerkWorkspace.myExtension to open it in the element designer.
On the design pane of the form designer, open FormTabControl1 > Workspace > PanoramaBody > SummaryTileSection.
Right-click SummaryTileSection and select New > Tile button.
A new control will be added to the form called TileButtonControl1.
Select TileButtonControl1 and go to the properties window.
Select MyTile in the Name field.
Select MyTile in the Tile field.
Select My Tile in the Tile text field.
Save and build the project.
To view the new tile, open finance and operations apps, and go to the Reservation management workspace. The tile should display in the Summary section.