Add a New Form to a Project and Apply a Pattern

Many of the form styles and templates from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 continue to be supported in finance and operations apps. If a legacy form style or template is no longer supported, there is likely a migration path to a current pattern.​

Many form patterns are used in finance and operations apps. The following list highlights the most common patterns that you will encounter and develop. For a full list of supported form patterns and subpatterns, go to the Summary unit of this module.​

  • Simple List pattern – Used to maintain data for entities that contain six or fewer fields and no parent/child relationships.​
  • Simple List and Details pattern – Used to maintain data for entities that contain six or more fields.​
  • Simple Details pattern – Used to present a simple set of fields to the user; generally, it is in view mode instead of in edit mode.​
  • Master Details pattern – Used as a primary method for entering data. Users can view and edit data that is organized into expandable and collapsible FastTabs.​
  • Details Transaction pattern – Used to present data details in a Header view and a Line view.​
  • List Page pattern – Used to present data in a manner that is optimized for browsing records and allows the user to take action on a specific record.​
  • Table of Contents pattern – Used when at least two forms are required for setup configuration.​
  • Workspace pattern – Used to create a finance and operations apps workspace, which is a grouping of tasks and specific pages that are used for significant business activity.​
  • Wizard pattern – Used to guide a user through a specific task by using an ordered series of tab pages.​