When business requirements change, some business events might no longer be required. In this case, you can inactivate them instead of deleting them from the list of active events. This approach is useful if the history of errors for the business events must be preserved. Inactivated business events can be deleted later, when there is no longer a business need to keep them inactivated.
While the system does outbound processing of business events, errors can occur. These errors might prevent the system from successfully delivering a business event to the endpoint. If an error occurs, the system retries several times to successfully process the business event. However, if all attempts are unsuccessful, the business event is saved in an error log.
Subscribe to business events from service
Users that have access to the privilege Subscribe to business events from service via their roles will be able to only see and subscribe to business events that have been assigned to their roles, which is described below.
Backward compatibility
To ensure backward compatibility, the following behavior must be understood.